The Final Judgement

God has fixed a day when he will judge all people according to their works.
Those people who die without a Saviour need not wait till that momentous appointment to know the divine verdict upon them. God warns them in Scripture that ‘whoever does not believe (in the Son) is condemned already’ (John 3:18). They are condemned already because they carry the burden of their sins with them. That Day will simply seal their doom forever and they will be punished according to their evil deeds.
Among the damned, there will be those who called Jesus ‘Lord’ but who had continued to live in the filth of sin. These professed ‘Christians’ claimed to believe in Jesus but their life was devoid of good works. ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness’ - these will be the last words they ever hear from the mouth of Jesus. (Matthew 7:23).
On the other hand, God’s children are recognized by their good works. There will be ‘glory and honor and peace for everyone who does good’ (Romans 2:10). The Lord will also reward them according to their works. ‘Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done’ (Revelation 22:12). Today is the opportunity for the justified to work fervently for the Lord; on that Day he will not forget their labour of love.
This does not mean that they are justified on account of their works. For us who believe in Jesus, God has already pronounced a sentence in our favour during our life on earth. ‘Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ’ (Romans 5:1). Justification is a present reality for all genuine believers. The Scriptures reassure them that they are already right with God. ‘There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus’ (Romans 8:1).
But what about their sins – for they readily admit that they often break God’s law. Will he accuse or punish them for them? No, not at all, for God will not go back on his word; he has forgiven their sins and promised not to bring them up again. ‘I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more’ (Hebrews 10:17). He will not remember their sins on that day.
Though they are guilty and deserve punishment, yet they will escape the wrath of God because they are justified by the blood of Christ. God did not forgive their sins capriciously but on account of the sacrifice of His Son on the cross.
God’s children are not terrified by the Day of the Lord. For us who believe and love the Lord Jesus, it is not the day of condemnation and doom, but our graduation day, or even better, the long-awaited meeting with our beloved Spouse. The church eagerly prays for the Lord to hasten his return, ‘Come, Lord Jesus,’ and rejoices when she hears his promise, ‘Behold, I come quickly’.