Can salvation be lost?

Can a genuine Christian lose his or her salvation? Can a child of God end up in hell?
It all depends on God because he is the Saviour. From beginning to end, salvation is his work. Therefore we should rather ask if God can lose any of his chosen ones whom he knew and loved from eternity past.
Scripture teaches that the Father’s purpose will be accomplished. “Those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified” (Rom 8:30). God determined beforehand the glorious destiny of his people even before they existed.
Moreover, the Son of God came to earth to fulfil God’s eternal plan. He said: “this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day” (John 6:39). The Father gave all believers to Christ; he came to the world to redeem and give them a glorious and immortal body.
The Holy Spirit too works on behalf of all believers. They are told not to “grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption” (Eph 4:30). Sadly sometimes they do grieve him by their sins, yet they are not cast away. The Spirit still protects them and brings them to the day of redemption, to their final glorious resurrection.
What shall we say about God’s salvation? Can the Father’s purposes be thwarted and brought to nothing? Can he predestine some to glory and yet end up damned? Can the Son of God fail in his mission? Can Jesus lose some even though the Father wills that he loses nothing? Can the Holy Spirit fail to seal believers to their final redemption?
But what about the believer’s free will? Can a Christian choose to be unsaved? No! His will has been freed from the bondage of sin, and he is freely attracted to the love of the Father. Hence he lives righteously, and even when he goes astray, he is disciplined and restored. The Father saves his children from their own pride and foolishness. The Father will glorify them whom he had predestined; the Son will not lose even one of his own, and the Spirit will bring them safely home.
A Christian will never lose his salvation. The triune God keeps him safe! I believe the Scriptures. I trust in God. I sincerely hope that you believe too.
(Gospel e-Letter - October 2016)