Remember me!

Two men indulged in all sorts of evil and wickedness throughout their lives. Now they had now come to the end of the line. In a short time, they would appear before their Creator for judgment. They had a unique opportunity to speak to Jesus and request whatever they desired.
The first man was not sorry for the evil deeds he had done. He had no interest in Jesus; he only asked him to spare him from death. He yearned to return to his former manner of life and continue to enjoy the pleasures this world can offer. Jesus did not answer him. The man died and he was eternally lost.
The heart of the other man, conscious of his guilt, was gripped by the fear of God. He believed that Jesus is the promised Messiah, the King who will reign forevermore. He wanted to be with Jesus even though the people nearby were heaping scorn and ridicule on "the King of the Jews". He asked Jesus to remember him. Jesus granted his request. Today he is enjoying fellowship with the King in paradise.
This is the story of the two criminals who were crucified along with Jesus (Luke 23:39-43). This is also our story. For we too have sinned against the Almighty; we too stand on the brink of eternity and divine judgment; like those two men, we must make our choice.
Friend, what is the deepest desire of your heart? Would you rather continue to live as you please without Jesus? Or would you plead for mercy and submit to Him as your Lord?
Your choice will determine whether you spend eternity in darkness and remorse, or in the joyful presence of Jesus. Be wise!