The Holy Door
During this Jubilee year, the Catholic Church is offering a plenary indulgence to those who visit certain churches and fulfill specific conditions. While this tradition holds meaning for some, many Catholics may not fully understand what a plenary indulgence entails or why it’s significant. If this feels unfamiliar or distant to you, take heart— God’s love and grace are available to you too.
Dear friends, God’s arms are always wide open to embrace anyone who turns to Him, at any time, not just during special occasions. If you feel burdened by the weight of your sins, know that today is the day of grace for you.
The Scriptures offer a beautiful and clear path to reconciliation with God: through repentance and faith in Christ. These are the only steps needed to receive His forgiveness. No human tradition can add to the simplicity and power of his invitation.
It’s important to remember that the forgiveness God offers comes solely through Christ. His sacrifice is sufficient, and His blood shed on the cross is the ultimate source of our redemption. Even Mary and the saints, whom we admire and respect, are saved by the merits of Jesus’ sacrifice. This same cross of Christ can free us also from the guilt and burden of our sins.
If you long for complete forgiveness and a restored relationship with God, you don’t need to pass through any physical door. Instead, Jesus invites you to come to Him. As He promises in John 10:9, “I am the door; if anyone enters through me, he will be saved.” Trust in Him, and He will lead you to peace, forgiveness, and new life.